Chris Verene, My Cousin’s Husbands Brother’s Cousin’s Cousin, 2002

PDNB Gallery in Dallas, Texas will feature a group exhibition of works that were carefully selected to illustrate the strong slate of artists PDNB exhibits. This exhibition will be placed in the John Albok gallery.

This eclectic show is timed to run concurrently with the upcoming Dallas Art Fair (April 13 – 15, 2012). During this weekend many art lovers from outside of the Dallas area will be scouring the city for all its art offerings.

Featured artists in FROM THE BACK ROOM:
Stuart Allen
Lee Freidlander & Jim Dine
John Herrin
Jimmy and Dena Katz
Chema Madoz
Esteban Pastorino
R. Jack Ridley
Don Schol
Chris Verene



Address: 1202 Dragon Street, Ste. 103, Dallas, Texas 75207