Thursday, November 14th from 5 to 9pm Dallas photographer, Tadd Myers, is holding a signing party for his “American Craftsman” book at Photographs Do Not Bend Gallery. American bites, beer and wine will be offered. Gallery prints from the book will be on display as well as a handmade Wells Fargo stagecoach by Jimmy Wilson Stagecoaches.

Tadd Myers ©

Tadd Myers ©

The book release is November 14 2013 via Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other selected booksellers.

The book project began as a commercial assignment to photograph Texas craftsmen carving various wooden moldings for historic buildings. While working on the project, Tadd began to wonder how many other craftsmen in America were working with their hands that very day. “What started as a personal curiosity soon grew into something that feels much more important—an opportunity to record and preserve this aspect of American culture and tell the story of these remarkable people.”


Address: 1202 Dragon Street, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas, 75207

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